
Atia Jame Mosque: A Landmark of Heritage

Atia Jame Mosque: A Landmark of Heritage

Atia Jame Mosque is a heritage site from the Mughal and Sultani periods. It was built during the reign of Mughal Emperor Akbar and is one of the arch

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Atia Jame Mosque is a heritage site from the Mughal and Sultani periods. It was built during the reign of Mughal Emperor Akbar and is one of the archaeological sites in Bangladesh. These landmarks tell the stories of the past, reflect the identity of Muslims, and serve as symbols of collective memory. It’s an ancient historic building, monument, and natural site of Southeast Asia.

Atia Jame Mosque: A Landmark of Heritage
Atia Jame Mosque

History of the name “Atia”

There is a history behind the naming of the Atiya Jame Mosque. The name ‘atia’ comes from the Arabic word ‘ata’ which means ‘gifted’. Ali Shahan Shah Baba Adam Kashmiri was appointed Jaigir of Tangail district by Sultan Alauddin Hussain Shah. Later, Adam Kashmiri started living in this region permanently to promote Islam in this area. He received the area as a gift from the Karrani ruler Sulaiman Karrani. The area was named Atia as the area was donated, and the mosque was named ‘Atia Jame Masjid’ after the area.

Landmark of Atia Jame Mosque

This mosque has some indications in its features of both the Sultanate and Mughal periods. The sign of the Sultanate period is the mihrab, the qibla in the west for South Asians. Another feature is the arches of the mosque. The arches of this mosque are square. Quadrangles refer to the mosque having four directions (North, South, East, West) to enter the main prayer hall.

The qibla wall has three ornate mihrabs that ensure that it has built in Sultani period.Lime and shurki uses in the building instead of stone. Curved cornices, pointed arches and domes are all signs of the Sultanate period. The eastern and northern outer walls of the Atiya Masjid have beautiful circular floral designs on terracotta, which are typical of the Mughal period.

Building History

This mosque was built by Saeed Khan Panni ,Jaminder of Karatia and the founder of the famous Panni family in 1609. Shah Baba Adam Kashmiri (RA) in his old age appointed his beloved and faithful devotee Saeed Khan Panni as the governor of the Atia region of Mughal emperor Jahangir. The architect of the mosque is Muhammad Khan.

মহানবী হযরত মুহাম্মদ (স) এর সংক্ষিপ্ত জীবনী

Explicit of Atia Jame Mosque

The mosque is small but attractive. It’s 18.29 meters in length, 12.19 meters in width, and 2.23 meters in wall thickness. The mosque has four octagonal minarets. Terracotta is the main element of this mosque. Most of the mosques in Bangladesh formed of bricks. Because stone was not easily available in our country.

Reformation History

The first reformation start by Rowshan Khatun Chaudhurani in 1837. Abu Ahmed Khan Ghaznavi was the second reformer of Atia mosque and he did it in 1909. Jaminder Wazed Ali Khan Panni renovated it last. He is the founder of Gov’t Saadat College, known as Bonger Aligarh. The Government of Bangladesh acquired the mosque as an archaeological monument. Currently, the 415-year-old tradition is being lost due to lack of lime, neglect, and carelessness.

Atia Jame Mosque: A Landmark of Heritage
Front Part of the Mosque

Archaeological Monument of Bangladesh

The government of Bangladesh enlisted this mosque as an archaeological monument in 1978. This monument is more attractive than all other Islamic sites. Many spectators and visitors visit this area every day, and people come from remote areas to offer prayer here on Friday. This ancient building is the sign and history of our past memoir.

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Atia Jame Mosque In 10 TK Note

The Bangladesh Bank printed the picture of this note in 10 TK notes in 1995 as a historical archaeological monument. The Atiya Jame Mosque is known to almost everyone. It is hard to find a person who has not heard the name of Atiya Masjid at least once. Now, it’s not in those notes. This mosque is very familiar all over the country. The people of this area want the picture of this mosque in 10 TK notes again.

Direction to Atia Jame Moaque

Atia Jame Mosque is at Atia and belongs to Delduar under Tangail District. Variously you can visit this place. Its about 85 km. away from Dhaka.

  • From Dhaka Tangail Road: You can enter this area from any corner of the country from Karatia Hat Baipass of Dhaka Tangail Road. Auto and CNG are available for 30 TK per person.
  • From Tangail Old Busstand: It will cost TK 30 per person. Firstly you have to use CNG from Baka Mia Bridge of the old bus stand for 20 to Pathrail and then take an auto at the cost of 10 TK.


These ancient and historical mosques of Bengal are our landmarks of heritage. We can acquire knowledge from our past history. Not only government, it is the duty of all to preserve our heritage. It is the earnest request not to damage any archaeological site.

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