
One Word Substitution: Boost Your Writing Clarity

One Word Substitution: Boost Your Writing Clarity

One word substitution alludes to replacing a phrase or a group of words with a single word that notifies the similar meaning. This is often used to e

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One word substitution alludes to replacing a phrase or a group of words with a single word that notifies the similar meaning. This is often used to enhance clarity and conciseness in writing and speech. For example, instead of saying “one residing in a foreign country,” you can use the term “foreigner or alien.” It’s a useful technique in language to simplify communication.

One word substitution
One word substitution

One Word Substitution With Explanatory Sentence


  1. Anthropology: The study of the human origin, institutions and beliefs.
  2. Anniversary: Yearly return of a particular date.
  3. Amicable: A person who has a sweet and friendly nature.
  4. Agenda: A list of the topics to be discussed in the meeting.
  5. Antibiotic: A medicine that destroys bacteria.
  6. Aquatic: Animals living in water.
  7. Assimilate: Understand something totally.
  8. Astrologer: A foreteller of things by the stars.
  9. Atheist: A person who does not believe in God.
  10. Autobiography: The biography of a man written by himself.
  11. Apiary: A place where bees are kept.
  12. Autopsy: Medical examination of a dead body.


  1. Biography: The life history of a person written by another.
  2. Botany: The science of vegetable life and plants.
  3. Blasphemy: Impious word uttered against God.
  4. Bureaucracy: A government run by officials.
  5. Boycott: To prevent all social and commercial relations.
  6. Biology: The science deals with insects and plants.
  7. Barometer: An instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure.

C- One Word Substitution

  1. Colleague: An associate in an office or profession.
  2. Contemporary: Two people living at the same age.
  3. Cytology: The study of the cells
  4. Cosmology: The science of the origin and history of the universe.
  5. Chemistry: Scientific study of the structure of substances.
  6. Cannibals: Animals living on human flesh.
  7. Cardiologist: A doctor who treats heart diseases.
  8. Cardiograph: An instrument that tracks the movement of the heart.
  9. Carnivorous: Animals living on meat.
  10. Catalog: A list of books.

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D- One Word Substitution

  1. Deadlock: A situation which brings progress to a standstill.
  2. Democracy: The government of the people.
  3. Dermatologist: A doctor who treats skin diseases.
  4. Detective: A person who finds out the criminal.
  5. Dictatorship: The rule of an autocratic person.
  6. Diplomat: A person who is engaged in the shrewdness of his country.
  7. Draughtsman: One who draws a plan.


  1. Encyclopaedia: A book which gives information on all branches of knowledge.
  2. Eunuch: A person who is without a sexual organ.
  3. Ethnologist: One versed in the science of human races, their varieties and origins.
  4. Epilogue: The last and concluding part of a literary work.
  5. Epitaph: Words or sentences inscribe on a tomb.

F-One Word Substitution

  1. Fatal: A disease which ends with death.
  2. Fatalist: A person who believes in fate.
  3. Fundamentalism: Blind adherence to the dictates of the religious book.
  4. Fishmonger: One who deals in fish.
  5. Feminist: A person who upholds the cause of women.


  1. Gynaecology: The treatment of female diseases.
  2. Genocide: The killing of a race is called genocide.
  3. Geology: The science of earth crust.
  4. Glutton: Who is fond of eating.
  5. Geologist: One who studies rocks and soils.

H- One Word Substitution

  1. Homicide: The killings of human beings.
  2. Hallucination: Images without objective reality.
  3. Herbivorous: Animals that live on grass are called herbivorous.
  4. Homosexuality: It means the love or attraction for the same sex.
  5. Horticulture: The art of garden cultivation.


  1. Infanticide: Murder of a child.
  2. Illicit: Unlawful sexual relationship.
  3. Idolater: A person worships idols.
  4. Inflammable: Liable to be kindled.
  5. Insolvent: A person who can not pay off his debt.

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  • Juggler: Who performs tricks by sleight of hand.
  • Jurisdiction: The extent of a person’s judgment.
  • Jury: A group of judges means jury.
  • Jockey: A professional rider of horses in race.
  • Journalism: The art and practice of reporting in a newspaper.


  • Kymograph: an instrument for recording blood pressure.
  • kennel: A place where dogs are kept.

L- One Word Substitution

  • lexicographer: one who is the compiler of a dictionary
  • linguist: a person who is well-known in many languages.
  • lithography: the art of printing drawings and writings on stone
  • Liturgy: a kind of public prayer in a church.
  • Lubricant: a concentrated oil for lubrication or machinery.
  • linguistic: the study of languages.


  • Maiden speech: an oratory delivered for the first time.
  • manuscript: a paper written by hand.
  • Matricide: the murder of a mother.
  • Memorandum: a note to help memory.

N- One Word Substitution

  • Novice: A person who is not experienced in a trade or profession.
  • Notorious: A person noted for a bad reputation.
  • Neurology: Branch of the medical science which studies the nerve system.


  • Obituary: It means a notice of a person’s death.
  • Omnipresent: A person who is available everywhere.
  • Ophthalmologist: A specialist in eye diseases.
  • Optimist: looking only at the bright side of things.
  • Omnivorous: Animals that eat all kinds of foods are known as omnivorous.
  • Orchestra: Singers are equipped with musical instruments.

P- One Word Substitution

  • Paradox: A statement contradictory to a universally accepted view.
  • Pedagogy: Its study of teaching.
  • Philanthropist: A person who loves people.
  • Pseudonym: Pen name used by the author.
  • Posthumous: An event occurring after death.
  • Plagiarism: The act of literary theft.
  • Philatelist: Who collects postage stamps is called a philatelist.


  • Quatrain: A stanza of four lines.

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  • Renaissance: A period of remembrance of art and literature.
  • Rhetoric: The art of writing in figurative language.
  • Remuneration: That money is given to one’s services.

S- One Word Substitution

  • Somnambulist: A man who walks in sleep.
  • Sculptor: One who carves in stone.
  • Sovereignty: The supreme power of a state.
  • Stenographer: Who writes shorthand is a stenographer.
  • Sty: A place where pigs are kept.


  • Troupe: A group of drama artist
  • Toxicology: Study of poisons
  • Thermometer: Device is used to measure temperature.
  • Theist: Who believes in God.
  • Tenant: Staying in a house by paying rent.

U- One Word Substitution

  • Unanimous: an act of agreement by all
  • Utopian: Not perfect and ideal
  • Ultimatum: Final proposal
  • Usurer: lending money at interest.


  • Verbose Speech: Speech full of many words.
  • Versatile: Who knows many things.
  • Vegetarian: Living on vegetables.


  • Widow: That woman lost her husband.
  • Widower: A man whose wife is dead.


  • Zoology: Scientific study of the structure and form of animals.
  • Zoophobia: Who has fear about animals.
  • Study of birds = Ornithology
  • Study of bees = Apiology
  • Study of languages = Philology
  • Study of heredity = Genetics
  • Study of living things = Biology
  • Survey of insects = Entomology
  • Study of handwriting = Graphology
  • Study of flags = Vexillology
  • Study related to cancer = Oncology
  • Study of mountains = Orology
  • Study about eyes = Ophthalmology
  • Study of cats = Felinology
  • Study about water = Hydrology
  • Study on dogs and its history = Cynology
  • Study of animals = Zoology
  • Study of religion = Theology
  • Study of coins = Numismatics
  • Study related to celestial body = Astronomy
  1. The person coming to a foreign land to settle there:Immigrant
  2. The person giving up of his native country to settle in another called:-Emigrant
  3. A doctor who treats old people’s diseases:– Geriatrician
  4. A person devoid of knowledge:-Ignorant
  5. A person unable to write:-Illiterate
  6. A person who speaks for others: a spokesman
  7. A person who always doubts:Sceptic
  8. A person looking only at the dark side of things, a Pessimist
  9. A doctor who treats pregnants and helps childbirth:Obstetrician
  10. The person who mends shoes:-Cobbler
  11. A person who sells medicine:-Druggiest 
  12. Written by light means:- Photograph


One-word substitution is essential for those who want to learn English. It’s also helpful for students to improve their fluency in English. One-word substitution is necessary in all competitive exams.

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